Tuesday, May 20, 2014

FAKE WOD May 20th

Ten Pushups (Knee or wall are acceptable if that's what it takes.) Downward Dog stretch ten seconds Ten prisoner squats. Ten Jumping jacks Do some stretches and drink some water.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

FAKE WOD May 16th 2014

It's raining here so no walk today. So... 10 jumping jacks (if you are feeling froggy make them 4 count JJs) 10 knee pushups (If these are too hard elevate your hands on a bed or chair that won't move.) Chew sugar-free gum to raise your metabolism. And drink a glass of water. (note if you are fit...you should probably be doing something harder or add 10 jump squats and do three sets with full pushups.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fake fit

I'm not a fitness guy. However, In the spirit of Crossfit, I feel that a Workout of the day can be useful. Espscially for those of us who aren't remotely fit. Have you seen a Crossfit WOD? Just take look Google WOD and find a crossfit WOD. Those workouts which may be fine for some people would Kill me dead. I don;t want to be dead. I want to be fitter and happier. I'm not a trainer but....I think I can generate a Workout of the Day (WOD) that works for me and people more like me. I also think that by doing these on a daily basis I can get both fitter and happier. That being said "Follow at your own risk."
    May 12, 2014 FAKE WOD:
  • Walk for 20 minutes
  • do 10 wall pushups
  • Drink a glass of water instead of your first beer, soda or diet drink.